Singapore Sling
Cocktail Bible
Added: 2nd October 2020
The Singapore Sling is a classic cocktail that is made with gin, cherry brandy, pineapple juice, lime juice, Cointreau or triple sec, grenadine, and a dash of bitters, garnished with a cherry and a pineapple slice. The origins of the Singapore Sling can be traced back to the early 1900s, in Singapore, at the Raffles Hotel's Long Bar. The drink was created by Ngiam Tong Boon, a Hainanese bartender, who was looking to create a new cocktail that would appeal to the British colonial officers and other expats who frequented the hotel. He came up with the Singapore Sling, which was a combination of gin, cherry brandy, pineapple juice, lime juice, Cointreau or triple sec, grenadine, and a dash of bitters. The drink was originally served in a tall glass and garnished with a cherry and a pineapple slice. The name "Singapore" was added to the drink because it was created in Singapore. The Singapore Sling is a classic example of a "gin cocktail" a category of drinks that are typically made with gin as their base ingredient. The Singapore Sling is a perfect balance of sweet, sour and strong and it's perfect for any occasion, particularly as a tropical or vacation drink. The Singapore Sling is a versatile drink that can be made with different types of gin and variations on the recipe have been created over the years.
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